As your Buyer’s Agent we have an exclusive relationship with you to represent you in acquiring real estate.  We are considered a Buyer’s Broker.

Below is a summary of our services as a Buyer’s Agent.

Broker will promote the interest of the Buyer with the utmost good faith, loyalty, and fidelity, including, but not limited to:

  • Seeking a price and terms which are acceptable to Buyer
  • Procuring acceptance of any offer to purchase a property and to assist in the completion of the transaction
  • Present all offers to and from Buyer in a timely manner
  • Disclose adverse material facts actually known to Broker
  • Counsel Buyer as to any material benefits or risks of the transactions which are actually known by Broker
  • Account in a timely manner all money and property received

Broker shall not disclose to the seller or any third party without the informed consent of the Buyer:

  • That Buyer is willing to pay more
  • Buyer’s motivating factors
  • Any information about the Buyer unless disclosure is required by law
  • Any facts or suspicions regarding circumstances which would psychologically impact or stigmatize a property
  • Broker shall disclose to any prospective seller all adverse material facts known by Broker, including, but not limited to adverse material facts concerning Buyer’s financial ability to perform and whether Buyer intends to occupy the property
  • Broker shall make submissions to Buyer describing and identifying properties appearing to substantially meet the criteria set forth

When you select an agent you will be asked to sign a Buyer’s Agency contract.  This means that there is a mutual agreement between the buyer and the agent for real estate purposes.  An agent works specifically for you and due to this, the agent feels more comfortable knowing there is loyalty from the buyer.  We invest time and effort into our clients and only get paid if there is a completed transaction.  If for some reason you want to be released from the Buyer’s Agency contract, we will gladly release you from the contract.